Promote, Support and Sustain
Community Actions

20 years of promoting Development
and Peace

OCD Response to Floods 2022

Marianne Kindergarten Girls Middle School​
Thematic Areas Beneficiaries
 Agriculture & Climate Adaptation
Formal & Informal Education
Disaster Response
Peace & Security​
Human Rights
Gender & Good Governance

To bring change among communities about love, justice & human dignity for their holistic development

To motivate and enable people to participate in the process of sustainable development to improve their living standards and livelihood
Who We Are
Organization for Community Development (OCD) is a benevolent, non-governmental registered organization, promoting integral development and sustainable peace. OCD works for the holistic development of marginalized segment of the society without any discrimination of caste, creed, race, gender, religion and ethnicity. Our initiatives involve and engage neglected, marginalized and downtrodden grassroots communities prone to risk.
We work towards socio economic uplift of women, children, youth, minorities, farmers and other groups with special needs, living in poverty and social exclusion. The main thrust of the organization is to facilitate communities to take collective developmental actions for social transformation. As a community-based organization, we are determined to work for poverty alleviation by sensitizing and organizing communities to mobilize resources for common actions to empower them by providing opportunities for dignified lifestyle.
Our Inspiration
Our Strategy
Core Values
Networking Organizations
Our Working Strategies
- Social Mobilization
- Raising Awareness
- Capacity Building
- Research & Advocacy
- Information Dissemination
- Provision of Services
- Networking & Linkages
- Technical Assistance
Marianne Kindergarten
Girls Middle School
Quality education provides a child with lifelong benefits. It does not just give you knowledge, but also makes you a better person. It provides you with social acceptability in the society and gives you empowerment in context of decision making, problem solving and even multi-tasking. Education should not be considered as a want in fact, it should be perceived as a need for every living human being on earth.
Our Partners